March Legislative Update

With six weeks remaining in this year’s 90-Day legislative session, attention remains focused on how Governor Moore and legislative leaders will resolve the state’s massive budget shortfall. Despite Governor Moore’s introduction of a budget balanced by over $1.3 billion in new revenues, $600 million in fund transfers, and approximately $1 billion in budget reductions, more difficult decisions are expected as the state’s fiscal outlook continues to worsen. With a significant state revenue write-down expected soon from the Maryland Bureau of Revenue Estimates, combined with growing uncertainty related to anticipated federal funding, legislative leaders are looking closely at the need for additional revenues and deeper budget cuts.
Despite these growing concerns, the Moore administration and legislative budget leaders did agree to “reprioritize” about $76 million in proposed Developmental Disability Administration (DDA) cuts that would have taken effect on April 1st. Once federal matching dollars are included, the funding will “restore” about 94% of cuts that had been scheduled to hit this spring. The announcement followed weeks in which members of the developmental disability community came out in droves to rally opposition to the cuts. Despite the good news, work remains to be done as significant DDA cuts slated for fiscal year 2026 are still looming.
Legislatively, it’s been a very active year for bills impacting the disability community generally, as well as Maryland Works and the Employment Works Program directly. Below is a summary of bills Maryland Works and its lobbying team are currently tracking:
HB 430 Employed Individuals with Disabilities Program – Upper Age Limit – Prohibition
- This bill prohibits the Maryland Department of Health (MDH) from establishing an upper age limit on eligibility to receive services in the Employed Individuals with Disabilities (EID) program.
HB 500/SB 426 Procurement Reform Act of 2025
- Governor Moore’s major procurement reform initiative has been heard by both the House and Senate. The anticipated shift of the Preferred Provider Program from the Department of General Services (DGS) to the Governor’s Office of Small, Minority and Women Business Affairs (GOSBA) is included in this bill. A priority of Governor Moore, this bill is expected to pass following significant stakeholder input.
HB 502/SB 433 Office of Disability Employment Advancement and Policy and Maryland as a Model Employer Initiative – Established
- This bill introduced by the Moore Administration establishes the Office of Disability Employment Advancement and Policy (ODEAP) in the Maryland Department of Disabilities (MDOD) to, among other things, implement the Maryland as a Model Employer Initiative. The goal of the legislation is to make Maryland a leader in employing individuals with disabilities, addressing both employment disparities and workforce shortages.
HB 508/SB 795 State Procurement Preferences – Blind Industries and Services of Maryland – Packaging and Repackaging
- This bill supported by Blind Services Industries of Maryland (BISM) would clarify that janitorial products packaged or repacked by BISM be included as part of BISM’s scope within the Preferred Provider Program.
HB 541/SB 365 Department of Commerce – Nonprofit Organizations Navigator – Established
- This bill establishes a nonprofit organizations navigator within the Department of Commerce. Among other duties, the navigator must represent the interests and concerns of nonprofit organizations as a member of the Maryland Efficient Grant Application (MEGA) Council.
HB 1244/SB 1027 Maryland Developmental Disabilities Administration Waiver Advisory Council – Establishment
- This bill establishes the Maryland Developmental Disabilities Administration Waiver Advisory Council to advise and provide recommendations to the Developmental Disabilities Administration on system design, service delivery, and quality enhancement strategies for the Medicaid waiver programs operated by the Administration. The House bill is scheduled for a hearing on March 5th. The Senate bill has not been scheduled for a hearing.
HB 1253 Department of Social Equity
- Sponsored by House Speaker Adrienne Jones, HB 1253 creates a new cabinet level department to reorganize several existing agencies and programs, including the Governor’s Office of Small, Minority, and Women Business Affairs (GOSBA); the Office of Social Equity (OSE) in the Maryland Cannabis Administration (MCA); and the Office of Minority Business Enterprises (OMBE) in the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT). Should the Preferred Provider Program be transferred to GOSBA under Governor Moore’s procurement reform legislation, this bill could result in the Preferred Provider Program ultimately being housed in this new department.
Maryland Works and its lobbying will to continue track and engage on bills of interest to Maryland Works throughout the remaining weeks of the legislative session. This year’s session concludes on April 7th.
Source: Manis Canning & Associates