The Employment Works Program (EWP) will notify eligible Business Vendor Partners (BVP’s) of available contract opportunities in a timely manner as they are received from various State Agencies.  In making a determination whether or not to send out an opportunity, the EWP staff weighs a number of factors, including but not limited to: geographic area of the opportunity; type of industry and/or service; BVP’s capabilities/qualifications; and timeline for work to begin.  

The deadline for BVP response to express interest in an opportunity is four (4) business days from date the “Employment Works Program (EWP) New Opportunity” email is sent by EWP staff.  By law, the EWP has limited time to respond to opportunities; therefore, a four (4) business day turnaround is the maximum allowable time to respond appropriately to potential opportunities.   

Opportunity notifications are sent out to all eligible vendors within the EWP to ensure equity and efficiency.  

All other information regarding opportunities is stated in the EWP Vendor Business Partner Policies & Procedure Manual within the section - Notification of Available Contracts – Opportunities.