
The Governor’s Workforce Development Board’s Career and Technical Education (CTE) Committee is Requesting Feedback


The Governor’s Workforce Development Board’s Career and Technical Education (CTE) Committee is requesting feedback from the public on drafted guidance that, once enacted, will define what types of apprenticeship programs and other industry-recognized credentials support Maryland's goals for high school students under the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future. The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, a landmark law transforming the education system across the State, set the goal that by the 2030-31 school year, 45% of public high school graduates will have completed the high school level of a Registered Apprenticeship or another industry-recognized credential by the time of graduation. 

To support this goal, the CTE Committee has released two draft frameworks:  

1. Apprenticeships for High School Students:  A draft framework defining the "high school level of a Registered Apprenticeship," outlining steps to expand Registered Apprenticeships for high school students, and outlining requirements to incorporate industry-recognized credentials, as defined in the draft framework, into non-registered youth apprenticeship programs ( to count toward the Blueprint’s 45% goal. Public comment period is open March 15 - April 14, 2024. Please submit comments by completing this form: 

2. Industry-Recognized Credentials: A draft framework that establishes a definition and criteria for industry-recognized credentials of value to be applied to high school programs ( This framework was updated as a result of an initial public comment period, and a second public comment period is now open March 15 - March 31, 2024. Please submit comments by completing this form:


Once enacted, the implementation of both of these pieces of guidance will necessitate considerable shifts to existing programs. Your feedback will be important to ensuring the final guidance supports the best possible employment and education outcomes for Maryland students. Final guidance incorporating feedback received is expected to be approved by the CTE Committee at their May 2024 quarterly public meeting.

We also invite you to help us share this with relevant industry stakeholders and other interested parties in your networks. If you have any questions or issues accessing the survey, please reach out to Molly Mesnard at