Legislative Update for July

July and August are typically “quiet” months in the state legislative cycle, with legislators attending educational policy conferences, hosting political events, and reconnecting with their respective constituents following the grueling legislative Session. This activity is frequently where ideas for legislation are born, leading to the formal drafting and introduction of legislation for the following Session. Behind the scenes, state agencies are already preparing their individual Fiscal Year 2025 budgets for consideration by the Secretary of Budget and Management, as well as potential ideas for agency-driven legislation.
The major news this month is more than 300 pieces of legislation took effect on July 1st. While October 1st is the traditional effective date for most legislation, many bills taking effect in July tend to be more fiscal-related to coincide with the beginning of the fiscal year. One major piece of legislation taking effect legalizes adult-use cannabis for adults 21 and older. Other notable bills taking effect include tax cuts for veterans and military health care reimbursement.
Specific to Maryland Works, relationship building and education continues with meetings with House Health and Government Operations Committee Chair Jocelyn Pena-Melnyk and Senate Budget and Taxation Committee Chair Guy Guzzone, as well as hosting Comptroller Brooke Lierman again at a Maryland Works CEO Roundtable. Additionally, Maryland Works leadership recently met with the Department of General Services Secretary Atif Chaudhry to discuss the Preferred Provider Program and potential enhancements that could make the program more efficient and effective.
Finally, two new members were sworn into the House of Delegates this month, Malcolm Ruff representing District 41 in Baltimore City, and Ryan Spiegel from District 17 in Montgomery County.
Source: Manis Caning & Associates