Financial Resiliency Webinar Series

The Maryland Department of Disabilities Assistive Technology Program is holding a month long financial resiliency webinar series focused on knowledge-building, resources, and services for people with disabilities to increase financial independence. 

October 3

Financing Through The Transition Process


Eric Jorgensen, Special Needs Navigator

Maryland residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities have a LOT of resources available to them, they just need to know where to look. This webinar will provide an overview of what's available and how to apply.


October 5

Employed Individuals with Disabilities


Shannon Minnick, Independence Now

Meet Shannon Minnick the Deputy Director of Independence Now to learn more about the Employed Individuals with Disabilities (EID) program. The EID Program extends Medical Assistance (Medicaid) health benefits to working Marylanders with disabilities for a small fee.


October 6

Credit $marts


Kylie Delgado, MD CASH Campaign

Credit Scores affect many aspects of a person’s financial health. Learn from Sue Rogan, AFC® how to check the data on your credit report, access your credit score and build your score to a 700+ so that you can access credit, obtain a fair interest rate, and build assets.


October 7

Homeownership and Maryland Mortgage Program


Maddy Ciulu, MD Department of Housing & Community Development

Join Maddy Ciulu to learn about the enhancements to the Maryland Mortgage Program for the fiscal year 2023 (which started in July): offering the new HomeStart 6% down payment product, enhanced assistance for SmartBuy 3.0 and 1 ST Time Advantage 5000/FLEX 5000 products, and reopening of the HomeAbility and Montgomery Homeownership products.


October 11

Maryland ABLE Accounts


Kelly Nelson, Maryland ABLE

Kelly Nelson, Maryland ABLE Outreach and Communications Manager, will share an overview of how ABLE accounts can help people with disabilities and their families to save and invest for the future without jeopardizing federal, state, and local benefits such as SSI and Medicaid. Attendees will learn about tax-advantaged savings and investment options as well as how to use the ABLE account to pay for qualified disability-related expenses. Join us to learn about the eligibility criteria, enrollment process, features of a Maryland ABLE account and the account management process. 


October 12

Low Interest Loans to Purchase Assistive Technology


Tanya Goodman, Maryland Assistive Technology Financial Loan Program

Join us to learn about the Maryland Assistive Technology Loan Program, a Division of the Maryland Department of Disabilities which offers low interest loans to Marylanders with disabilities and their families to purchase assistive technology to help a person with a disability live more independently and productively. Loan amounts range from $500 - $50,000, with loan repayment terms up to 96 months. Restrictions apply.


October 17 

AT & DME: Equipment Reuse Across the State


Denise Schuler, Maryland Department of Disabilities, Assistive Technology Program

Ian Edwards, MD Department of Aging

Join MDOD and MDoA to learn about low cost and free options to accessing gently used assistive technology and durable medical equipment across the state.


October 18 

Short term & Long term Disability Insurance


Patti Dorn, Maryland Insurance Administration

Join the Maryland Insurance Administration as we help you understand Disability Insurance, both short-term and long-term disability policies. We will cover an intro to the disability insurance product and help you understand how disability insurance defines disability and eligibility.


October 20 

Health Insurance Options in Maryland 


Joy Hatchette, Maryland Insurance Administration

Join us for an overview of the different Health Insurance Options available in Maryland, and how to access them.


October 21

Maximizing Your Money


Sue Rogan, MD CASH Campaign

People with disabilities often are concerned about building a secure financial future. Attend this workshop to learn tips on the psychology behind financial decisions, successful ways to track your dollars, and ensure that you are working your way to financial independence.


October 25

Food Assistance Programs 


Mischelle Williams, Office of Nutrition Assistance Programs, Family Investment Administration, Maryland Department of Human Services

Join Mischelle Williams from the Office of Nutrition Assistance benefits programs to learn about food assistance options in Maryland.


October 26

Maryland ABLE Accounts


Kelly Nelson, Maryland ABLE

Kelly Nelson, Maryland ABLE Outreach and Communications Manager, will share an overview of how ABLE accounts can help people with disabilities and their families to save and invest for the future without jeopardizing federal, state, and local benefits such as SSI and Medicaid. Attendees will learn about tax-advantaged savings and investment options as well as how to use the ABLE account to pay for qualified disability-related expenses. Join us to learn about the eligibility criteria, enrollment process, features of a Maryland ABLE account and the account management process.

*Repeat Session 


October 27

Work Without Fear: Using “Work Incentives” to Protect Benefits When You Work


Michael Dalto, High Note Consulting

Many people with disabilities who get cash and medical benefits from the government, and who are considering paid work, face some daunting questions:

 · What will happen to my cash benefits if I work?

 · Can I keep my medical benefits?

 · Will I have more money?

 Learn how safety nets called “work incentives” help protect benefits when you work, and make sure you come out ahead. Discover the Plan to Achieve Self Support (PASS), a work incentive that can help you buy technology and other items to reach a work goal. And find out how to get FREE help from a certified Benefits Planner to use work incentives.


October 28

Financial Planning For When You Are Gone 


Elizabeth Yoder, Planning Across the Spectrum

In this presentation, we plan to address why planning for the inevitable or unexpected loss of a parent is so important. We cover both financial and legal tools to prepare for a supported loved one, and discuss ideas to build a support network now so the transition is as manageable as it can be.


October 31

* Work Without Fear: Using “Work Incentives” to Protect Benefits When You Work


Michael Dalto, High Note Consulting

Many people with disabilities who get cash and medical benefits from the government, and who are considering paid work, face some daunting questions:

 · What will happen to my cash benefits if I work?

 · Can I keep my medical benefits?

 · Will I have more money?

 Learn how safety nets called “work incentives” help protect benefits when you work, and make sure you come out ahead. Discover the Plan to Achieve Self Support (PASS), a work incentive that can help you buy technology and other items to reach a work goal. And find out how to get FREE help from a certified Benefits Planner to use work incentives.

*Repeat Session 

Source: MDATP