EWP Spotlight: Lower Shore Enterprises

lse.pngOctober is Disability Employment Awareness Month and Maryland Works would like to highlight our vendor, Lower Shores Enterprises (LSE). For over 50 years, Lower Shores has been placing individuals with disabilities in competitive integrated employment throughout southern Maryland. Led by Executive Director, Ivy McIntyre, Lower Shores’ goal is to “find productive employment for all who desire it, thereby creating opportunity for the individuals we serve to increase confidence, gain independence, and realize their dreams.” Founded in 1967 to serve Wicomico, Worchester and Somerset Counties, Lower Shores also serves Dorchester County. From its inception at Lower Shore Shelter Workshop, the organization has expanded offering employment services, a community inclusion program and day program services. Currently, Lower Shores offers custodial services, document deconstruction, and mailing and distribution services. Year-to-date LSE holds multiple contracts in the Employment Works Program, employing 15 individuals with disabilities. Through our continued partnership with Lower Shores and Facilities Director, Dan Robinette, The Employment Works Program continues to provide employment opportunities for people living with disabilities and other barriers.

Source: Maryland Works