
Maryland Collaborative Workgroup for the Quality Improvement Organization

As announced at the Deputy Secretary Monthly Community Webinar on Friday, August 26, 2022, the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) has contracted with a Quality Improvement Organization (QIO), Liberty Healthcare Corporation, to support quality improvements within DDA's service delivery system.

Collaboration is an important component of the QIO work and a Collaborative Workgroup will be formed to provide guidance to the development of QIO evaluation tools and processes. 

We have extended the deadline for requests to participate to September 9, 2022. Please click 
HERE to see the attached summary of the Collaborative Workgroup with the registration link.

As a reminder, the goal is to select a diverse group of stakeholders who represent or are self-advocates of the following groups:

  • People supported by the DDA
  • Family members of adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
  • DDA providers 
  • CCS organizations
  • DDA and QIO staff

Selections will be announced the week of September 12th. 

Source: MDOH