Celebrating Olmstead: How Blending, Braiding, and Sequencing Leads to Integrated Employment
State and local agencies and partners are eager to help people with disabilities enter high-quality jobs and careers. As they support people through their employment journeys, they want to do so in the most effective and efficient way possible. Blending, braiding, and sequencing of funding and resources are three strategies that can achieve those goals.
This federal interagency webinar, hosted by the LEAD Center, is the second in a series of webinars on blending, braiding, and sequencing resources and funding to support employment outcomes, and to promote equity and inclusion for people with disabilities. The first webinar, hosted on March 22, featured examples from Colorado, North Carolina, and Arizona. On June 29, Maryland will share their promising practices at the state and local levels, including lessons learned and tools they use to sustain their partnerships.
Featured speakers include Maryland’s:
- Governor’s Workforce Development Board
- Division of Rehabilitation Services
- Behavioral Health Administration
- Anne Arundel County Workforce Development Corporation
This webinar is presented by the Office of Disability Employment Policy at the U.S. Department of Labor, along with federal partners at the Employment and Training Administration, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the Administration for Community Living, the Rehabilitation Services Administration, the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, the Office of Special Education Programs, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, and the Social Security Administration.
Webinar: Wednesday, June 29, 3:00-4:00 P.M. ET
Click here to register.
Source: LEAD Center