The Employment Works Program by the Numbers

The Employment Works Program (EWP) is one of Maryland’s preferred procurement programs. EWP Vendors are offered contract opportunities with State Agencies prior to the public bid process. The EWP benefits individuals with a wide range of disabilities through contracting with non-profit providers, as well as commercial firms owned by individuals with disabilities. Maryland Works is the State Coordinating Entity for the EWP which provides fair market price analysis for each contract opportunity. Maryland Works staff diligently monitors each contract by performing routine site visits, quality assurance checks, and fielding any complaints from the vendor or end - user. The EWP has proven to not only be an effective program for individuals with disabilities, but also a valuable resource for state procurement officials seeking to obtain quality services. Take a look at the EWP by the numbers:

Employment Works Program by the Numbers

Non-Profit Providers: 


Individual with Disability Owned Businesses: 


Individuals Employed through EWP: 


Wages Paid to Marylanders with Disabilities: 


Average wage:
