WEBINAR: Designing Quality Assurance Systems that Meet the Goals of Individual Employment Plans

Designing Quality Assusrnace Systems that Meet the Goals of Individual Employment Plans


While most DDA certified agencies have quantitative systems to track the numbers of people in employment or volunteer related activities at their agency, few have effective methods to make sure that the jobs and volunteer experiences fit the promised job descriptions or have a method to identify if employment and job coach staffs are providing quality services.

This training will help identify potential strengths or problems at a job site before they become a crisis, as well as outline the concepts of qualitative quality assurance measurement and develop concrete strategies to monitor the quality of job and volunteer placements, and staff behavior, with minimal additional data collection burdens for staff or host agencies.



1. Describe the general concepts of qualitative quality assurance measures and ways they combine with quantitative process and outcome measures.

2. Discuss strategies to gather information on individuals’ experience on the volunteer or jobs site and staff behavior that draw on current record keeping and experience strategies.

3. Discuss ways to productively use qualitative data in a constructive way to ensure quality and reward innovative strategies.  

*Registrants will receive information by e-mail regarding the call-in number and code for the Webinar


Facilitator:  Dr. Jo Anne Schneider is an applied social scientist with over 30 years’ experience working with non-profit organizations, government, and communities to develop innovative, evidence-based research and policy analysis on a wide range of workforce development, employment, human services and health topics. Her work looks at the dynamic among non-profits, government, business, and the people who use services on outcomes. She has worked with organizations to design quality assurance systems since the late 1980s. A person with life-long disabilities, her expertise in disability combines research, policy analysis, development of model programs, and consulting with agencies and government.


April 16th, 2020
10:30 am - 12:00 pm


Maryland Works, Inc.
10270 Old Columbia Road, Suite 100
Columbia, MD 21046