The 2020 Webinar Series: Focusing on Job Development, Customized Employment and Agency Transformation
Join Marc Gold & Associates who are nationally renowned subject matter experts for this 7-part webinar series focusing on Job Development, Customized Employment and Agency Transformation. Each webinar will be held from 11:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon. Each Webinar will be recorded.
Sign up for the entire series and save $35.00
Registrants will receive information by
e-mail regarding the call-in number and code for the Webinar
The Community’s Calendar: Planning a meaningful day outside of work – June 16, 2020, presented by Norciva Shumpert
This webinar will focus on a strategy for identifying and organizing life activities to be performed outside of work that provide enjoyment, meaning and full participation in people’s lives. The Community’s Calendar is a planning process that is based on the scheduled events that are typical in one’s community that are identified as a result of Discovery. This webinar will provide an overview of the basis of the concept as well as a discussion of the structure of the planning process.
Customized Employment for Transitioning Age Youth – July 14, 2020, presented by Dr. Teresa Callahan
This webinar will focus on the value of Customized Employment for transitioning age youth. Connections with WIOA will be made along with the role of Discovery in school settings, the community, work experiences and in internships. Suggestions for teachers and employment agencies working with schools will be offered. This webinar is targeted to transition teachers, school and special education administrators, employment agencies working with schools and family members.
Customized Employment: Assuring access to employment for all – August 11, 2020, presented by Michael Callahan
This webinar will focus on the employment strategy of Customized Employment (CE) that provides a negotiated relationship between employers and job seekers with significant disabilities. CE was added as an aspect of the 2014 re-authorization of the Rehab Act in WIOA. This unique strategy offers the flexibility and features necessary to assure employment for all who want to work. This webinar will feature a presentation of the essential features of CE as well as examples of how it can meet both the needs of employers and employees with significant disabilities.
Implementing the Customized Process – September 15, 2020, presented by Melinda Mast
This webinar will focus on an overview of the components of the “Customized Process”, a set of strategies designed to result in successful employment for job seekers with significant disabilities. The process components discussed will include Discovery, Profile documents, the Customized Plan for Employment, development of a Visual Resume and Job Development. This webinar ties all components together in a succinct and understandable way and is ideal for managers, counselors, funders and family members.
Job Development Representation – October 16, 2020, presented by Abby Cooper
This webinar will focus on providing an overview for making employer contacts and negotiating a customized job description. Topics to be covered include negotiation techniques, the use of a concept portfolio to explain CE to potential employers, employer needs and benefits analysis and strategies for making successful contacts and presentations to employers. This webinar is the final aspect of the Customized Process and is directed at job developers, rehab counselors, managers and funders of CE services.
Supervising Direct Service Personnel in Delivering Employment Services – November 12, 2020, presented by Jennifer Briggs
This webinar will focus on how to effectively supervise direct service staff as they provide community, integrated and individualized employment services. The presenter runs an employment agency in Greater Atlanta that supports over 800 individuals each day in community, supported employment. The strategies that Briggs & Associates uses to supervise nearly 150 staff will be discussed.
Changing Your Agency’s Services to Become Person-Centered, Person-Directed – December 15, 2020, presented by Michael Callahan
This webinar will focus on how to develop a culture of person-centered, person-directed thinking with a service agency. Distinctions between “funding-centered” and “agency-centered” thinking will be offered in relation to putting the individual not only at the center of our thinking but actually having the individual direct services to be delivered. This shift is fundamental in moving toward the emerging values in the disability field.
- Dates:
June 16th, 2020
- Time:
- 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
- Event Category:
- Training Program
- A cancellation notice is required five business days in advance for a refund. To request a cancellation, please send your request to This payment is not deductible as a charitable contribution but may be deducted as a business expense. Please provide notice of accommodations needed two weeks in advance.
- Courses have individual attendance requirements to receive a certificate. Please inquire with the trainer before missing any classes.
- Unregistered Attendees: Training fees are per seat. Only those who have registered for a training are allowed to attend. If MD Works identifies unregistered attendees in a training course, MD Works will invoice for each unregistered attendee.