SOLD OUT - ACRE Approved Basic Community Employment (CE) Certificate Training

This 5-day Customized Job Development & Discovery immersion training provides a rich foundation in all key components associated with best practices in Customized Job Development and Discovery. Training content incorporates both case studies and video examples and pair’s didactic presentation with a variety of hands-on activities to provide real-time learning opportunities for all participants.

Registration Fee includes the ACRE Certification Test

Day 1 and 2 Content (16 hours) – Customized Employment (CE) & Discovery

This 2-day session quickly traces the development and evolution of Supported Employment, explores the key disability legislation impacting people with disabilities and explains the interaction of various systems and policies. The main thrust of this session is defining CE in functional terms through the exploration of wage and small business examples drawn from across the United States, showcasing the CE process, understanding the guiding values of community participation, amalgamation of funding and best-practices in rehabilitation.

The assessment process of Discovery is introduced as the foundation of career planning. Key to the class will be: structuring the process, learning how to begin and selecting environments and activities for assessment.  As part of this training staff will learn how to assess new customers and determine if they might require job placement, typical supported employment or customized employment strategies and the Discovery Process. This session and all others will include both classroom and community-based exercises, role play use of on-the-job training and work trials.  Registrants will learn how to refer to other agencies for assistance, as well as developing a CE design team including family and the consumer’s role and their responsibilities. Learn how to develop a vocational profile.  This session and all others will include both classroom and community-based exercises and role play.   *Note that Discovery content runs throughout the curriculum

Day 3 Content (8 hours) Customized Job Development & Interest Based Negotiation


This session builds on Discovery and the vocational profile to create a plan for identifying the ideal conditions of employment. A thoughtful process is used that generates employment ideas through the use of a CE Team, creating a prospecting list of at least 20 employers. The processes of connecting to employers, job creation and carving, resource ownership, on-the-job training/tryouts, developing funding strategies, and interest-based negotiation are covered. Because Job Development exploration is also used to generate business-to-business entrepreneurial ideas, a portion of the class will be spent on generating wage employment ideas.

Day 4 Content (8 hours) Systematic Instruction and Natural Supports


This session combines lecture and hands-on practice of errorless learning strategies developing creative employment and business strategies, to using natural workplace supports, to facilitating co-worker mentoring, and to reducing stigma and job loss. Critical elements taught include: designing Typical Person Inventories (TPI), prompt hierarchies, task analysis, job analysis, reward strategies, topographic and functional correctness, the role of corporate culture, et al. Attendees will learn how to do effective job analysis, work culture analysis and work with individuals who face behavioral challenges.

Day 5 Content (4 hours) Part I: Benefits Planning, Social Security Benefits, Work Incentives, and Pass Plans and Economic Development Strategies and Self Employment

This session, including substantial case studies, presents a functional overview of SSA and Medicaid benefits, and the most commonly utilized work incentives, including: Plans for Achieving Self Support (PASS), Impairment Related Work Expenses (IRWE), Property Essential to Self-Support (PESS), 1619a & b, etc. Participants will learn how to do basic calculations regarding the impact of wages and self- employment net earnings on cash benefit checks, calculate Trial Work Period Months, and generate a budget for a proposed PASS Plan.


Day 5 Content (4 hours) Part II:  Economic Development Strategies for Customized Outcomes Including Resource Ownership & Self Employment


This session continues to build on information from Discovery and community employment exploration, and begins to link with the information from the benefits analysis especially regarding the availability of potential PASS funding. Using the vocational profile and the Ideal Conditions of Employment, we look at the economic development strategies including resource ownership and business ideas that will be generated to match the individual consumer’s interests, skills, and talents. Teams will work together designing preliminary methods of testing ideas.


February 12th, 2020
February 13th, 2020
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Event Category:
Training Program


Maryland Works, Inc.
10270 Old Columbia Road, Suite 100
Columbia, MD 21046

A cancellation notice is required five business days in advance for a refund. To request a cancellation, please send your request to This payment is not deductible as a charitable contribution but may be deducted as a business expense. Please provide notice of accommodations needed two weeks in advance.
Courses have individual attendance requirements to receive a certificate. Please inquire with the trainer before missing any classes.
Unregistered Attendees: Training fees are per seat. Only those who have registered for a training are allowed to attend. If MD Works identifies unregistered attendees in a training course, MD Works will invoice for each unregistered attendee.