EWP Economic Impact Study Report RFP

RFP Name: Economic Impact Study Date Issued: June 16, 2023 Contact Person: Cathey McGee Phone #: 240.405.8452
Email Address: catheym@mdworks.com
Submittals Accepted Until: June 30, 2023
Maryland Works (MW) is requesting proposals to invite prospective organizations from qualified firms to develop an economic impact report and info graph(s) that reflect the economic benefits and impact of the Employment Works Program (EWP) to the Maryland economy.
The EWP is part of the State of Maryland’s socio-economic procurement preferences (State Finance and Procurement Article, Sections 14-101 through 14-108 of the Annotated Code of Maryland). The purpose of the EWP is the creation of employment and business ownership opportunities for people with disabilities.
The EWP utilizes State or State-aided controlled entity service contracts for the provision of certain skills training, work experience, employment and business ownership opportunities for people with disabilities and barriers to employment. The overall impact of the EWP is to maximize the positive impact in advancing competitive integrated employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities and barriers to employment, while ensuring high quality services for the State of Maryland.
Maryland Works is seeking a qualified organization to define the economic impact and benefits of the EWP State Use Preference Purchasing Program. An award will be made to the organization that demonstrates experience and expertise in analyzing data and creating an analysis of how the EWP is contributing to the State of Maryland’s economy both directly and indirectly. The study will be designed for use in conversations with department leadership and staff within state government with the ultimate goals of 1) increasing engagement and uptake of MD Works partnership in contracting opportunities and 2) ensuring long-term stability of MD Works’ favored relationship with the State.
Maryland Works (MW) was founded in 1982 by a group of community service agency leaders determined to expand opportunities for individuals with disabilities. During its first three years, the organization was totally volunteer-driven.
In 1985, at Maryland Works' urging, the Maryland Legislature created the State Rehabilitation and Employment Program (now referred to as the Employment Works Program), a Preference Purchase Program that expanded employment options for Maryland citizens with disabilities. That same year, the State designated Maryland Works to coordinate the program and the first full-time staff was hired. Over the succeeding years, the Association led the development of one of the most highly regarded Preference Purchase Programs in the country.
From 1986 to 1992, Maryland Works focused on broad-based issues affecting non-profit community agencies that served individuals with disabilities. As our members and partners increasingly identified the lack of employment as a critical issue for their constituents, we refined our vision and mission in 1993 to focus on employment-related matters affecting individuals with disabilities and barriers to employment.
Our Vision is that Maryland will attain economic and workforce conditions that create equal access and participation for all.
Our Mission is to promote economic and workforce development strategies that assure full inclusion of individuals with disabilities or those with other barriers to employment.
Must have and be able to demonstrate the following qualifications:
- Experiencing measuring and monetizing key outcomes and engaging subject matter experts in solution design and development.
- Experience in researching, analyzing, quantifying and summarizing data points and financial models.
Develop an enhanced value proposition that defines the tangible economic benefits of its work connecting state contracting to organizations that assure full inclusion of individuals with disabilities and other barriers to employment.
The awarded organization will be expected to work closely with the MW’s leadership team and provide the following:
- ROI-Analysis of how the EWP is contributing to the State’s economy directly and indirectly (i.e contributions, costs and effectiveness to which increases in employment of individuals with disabilities benefits the state in relation to state tax revenue as a result of the program.)
- Summarize the value and benefits of the EWP program for the State (i.e increased tax base, reduce the reliance on public benefits).
- Report the impact that Competitive Integrated Employment has for people with disabilities and barriers to employment and for the State. (i.e what the state saves per worker with a disability vs without a disability).
- Create an accessible excel workbook that reflects economic impact that MW can access and update.
- Provide an economic projection for 5 years to show how the program will impact the state in the future.
The selected organization will assign one qualified individual who will be the project manager responsible for directing and coordinating the activities.
The proposals shall include:
- Experience, Expertise and Capabilities
- Information about the organization. The name, location, mailing address, telephone number, email address, FEIN and other pertinent information. The proposal must also identify and provide contact information for the individual with authority to negotiate and contractually bind the agreement and for those who may be contacted for the purpose of clarifying the information provided in the proposal.
- Philosophy Statement. Philosophy and approach in undertaking activities outlined in the RFP.
- Summary of Relevant Experience and Ability.
- Experience. Details on experience with similar projects.
- Personnel Listing. A listing of the staff identified in the work plan and their bio and/or resume. The project manager must be clearly identified and include information that reflects a track record of successful project management for similar projects. Any sub-contractors must be identified including their roles, responsibilities, and estimated time they will be committing to the project.
- References. Identify and provide a brief summary of work completed in the last five years for at least three organizations and projects that are similar in size and complexity. In addition, provide the name, title, address, and telephone number of a contact person from each organization for whom these comparable services were provided.
- Project Approach
- Work Plan. Outline the anticipated approach, to include effective communication with MW staff, methodology and strategies to be used, name of staff performing the tasks and hours required to complete the scope of services in this RFP. Include a preliminary project calendar based on information in Section V.
- A Letter of Transmittal. Include a statement accepting all terms and conditions and requirements contained in this RFP and the agreement that shall be negotiated.
- Price
- Cost Proposal. A cost proposal addressing the elements of the work to be performed shall be submitted and should include a "not to exceed" price. The cost proposal should include the tasks and number of hours required and a total price for work to be performed in accordance with this RFP, inclusive of all personnel and non-personnel expenses. The organization shall indicate all costs that are considered necessary for the completion of the project.
- Additional Data
- Any additional information that the organization wishes to bring to the attention of MW that is relevant to this RFP.
- All proposals must be signed by the organization’s authorized official, or the proposal will not be accepted.
- MW will not be liable for costs incurred in the preparation of the response to this RFP or in connection with any presentation before a selection committee.
RFP Ownership: All responses to this RFP will become the property of MW and will not be returned. If you have any questions about disclosure of the records, you submit with your informational material, please contact the RFP Coordinator.
In addition to submitting a fully conforming response with the necessary requirements and task order responses, vendors are encouraged to demonstrate innovation through unique abilities, features, functions, or services. MW would like to understand each vendors’ full capabilities beyond those described in the objectives.
The evaluation process may include a meeting with selected vendors to present to MW.
The presentation agenda and content will be at the discretion of the vendor but are expected to include details of the vendor’s proposed services, past performance along with any additional relevant experience that may benefit MW.
MW Leadership will review the proposal and make the final selection. The selected organization will be notified and provided with a Contract and Services Agreement.
The RFP process timetable is as follows:
Event |
Date |
RFP Issue Date |
06/16/23 |
RFP Submission Deadline |
06/30/23 |
Vendor Presentations |
07/05/23-07/07/23 |
Selection of Vendor |
07/07/23 |
Note: MW intends to adhere to this timetable but realizes that delays may occur. MW reserves the right to amend any of the dates set forth above. The organization must be able to accommodate changes to the schedule.
Response should be submitted electronically via e-mail to the RFP Coordinator, Cathey McGee at catheym@mdworks.com.
Responses must be written in English.
Each vendor is solely responsible for ensuring that their response is acknowledged and confirmed. Responses that are sent to the address catheym@mdworks.com will receive an email confirmation upon receipt.
Organizations’ response(s) must be received electronically by MW at or before the response Submission Deadline. Receipt of each response will be confirmed by MW at the above e-mail address only. MW is not responsible for any submission received after the stated response Submission Deadline and will not consider any such submission.
- Dates:
June 30th, 2023
- Time:
- Event Category:
- Normal