8/2 - Provider Network Member Grant: Supporting Employment for Unserved and Underserved Individuals with Disabilities

Request for Proposal (RFP): Supporting Employment for Unserved and Underserved Individuals with Disabilities
Maryland Works is pleased to announce a funding opportunity aimed at supporting and expanding employment opportunities for unserved and/or underserved individuals (youth and/or adults) with disabilities. This initiative seeks to increase the employment and retention rate of individuals with disabilities by supporting organizations in developing and/or enhancing innovative programming and services. This RFP invites proposals from eligible entities committed to creating meaningful employment opportunities for unserved and underserved individuals with disabilities.
The purpose of this initiative is to “fill-the gaps” and support workforce programming and services, resulting in sustainable competitive integrated employment opportunities for individuals with a variety of disabilities who are currently unserved and/or underserved. Funds may be used, but not limited to, customized technical assistance, training and/or developing/enhancing supports and services to ensure individuals with disabilities prepare, obtain and maintain competitive integrated employment.
Eligibility and Funding
This grant opportunity is available to members of Maryland Works Provider Network.
Maryland Works will award two grants up to $25,000 each.
People with disabilities in Maryland want jobs in the community, pay that provides a living wage with benefits, and opportunities for career advancement. This initiative addresses several of the components that are critical for this to happen, including:
- Capacity and needed resources
- Implementation of best and promising practices that will maximize the employment opportunities, retention and career potential of people with disabilities
State and federal laws and policies are shifting toward requiring and supporting increased opportunities
for people with disabilities to work in their communities in fully integrated work environments.
Unserved and underserved individuals with disabilities face challenges that can hinder access to meaningful employment services that assist with preparing, obtaining and maintaining competitive integrated employment. Maryland Works is invested in supporting and promotingworkforce development strategies, services and programming that prepare, support and assure full inclusion and create equal access and opportunities for individuals with disabilities.
Addressing these challenges requires comprehensive and coordinated efforts from government agencies, non-profit organizations, employers, and the community in creating access, enhancing support services, providing adequate training and education, and fostering a culture of inclusion that leads and results in improving the quality of life and employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities.
Scope of Work
Applicants for grant funds must:
- Demonstrate a commitment to supporting individuals with disabilities in preparing, securing and maintaining competitive integrated employment.
- Set specific goals and benchmarks for increasing the number of individuals employed, quality of their employment and wages/benefits.
- Identify and undertake measurable activities to achieve these goals.
- Outline the evaluation plan/quality assurance to ensure goals are being met.
Funding can be used for various activities, including but not limited to:
- Strengthening organizational activities to improving employment outcomes
- Implementing organizational changes necessary to support employment goals
- Developing and enhancing services to enhance employment opportunities and outcomes
Expected Outcomes
- Improve employment status for currently employed individuals, including increased hours, increased pay, promotions and job satisfaction.
- Increase employment retention.
Proposal Requirements
- Provider’s name, address, contact information, name of the grant lead contact.
- Vision/mission/strategic goal(s), objectives for provider’s employment program.
- Brief organizational history.
- Description of the employment program-how many people served in FY24, employment retention outcomes and specific reason why the funding is needed.
- Description of how grants funds will be used, the impact/improvements, specific goals & outcomes, and how these outcomes will be measured.
- A detailed budget.
- A description of how the funds will be sustained.
- A description of the impact or effect the project has upon the people supported.
- A commitment statement to present their work at the end of the grant.
IV. Proposal Format
- Proposals should not exceed 5 pages, excluding any supporting documents.
- Use font size 12, and number pages.
- Submit only the requested documents; additional materials will not be reviewed.
Grant recipients must submit a final grant report to include expenditures, how grant money was used, outcomes, lessons learned, and sustainability plans.
Funds Available
Organizations may apply for a maximum of $25,000. Half of grant funds will be available on 8/9/24. The remaining grant funds will be dispersed upon receiving the final grant report and completing exit grant meeting with Maryland Works CEO and Finance Director, which must occur before 12/31/24, to review the goals that were established, outcomes and expenditures. All grant funds must be expended by 12/31/24.
Who Can Submit Proposals
This grant opportunity is available to members of Maryland Works Provider Network.
Pre-Proposal Information Session
A pre-proposal information session will be held:
- Date: 7/17/24
- Time: 11:30 AM
Register online here or call 410.381.8660 to register and receive call-in information.
Proposal Deadline
Proposals must be received by 8/2/24, at 12:00 PM (noon).
Submit applications to Cathey McGee: catheym@mdworks.com
Important Note: Receipt of all applications will be acknowledged by email or phone. If confirmation is not received by 2 PM on 8/2/24, contact Cathey McGee at 410-381-8660.
We look forward to receiving your proposals and working together to expand employment opportunities for unserved and underserved individuals with disabilities.
- Dates:
August 2nd, 2024
- Time:
- Event Category:
- Normal