5/23 - LTSS Service Strategies

LTSS Service Strategies
May 23, 2024
10 AM - 12 NOON
*Registration is closed.*
Registration Fees:
Member: $75 Non-member: $125
This training will cover a broad array of strategies for providing person-centered services in a fee-for-service world. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the concept of stacking, blending and braiding, transportation services, and PCP strategies for effective billing. In addition, we’ll explore challenges, opportunities, and potential solutions for situations related to these topics that participants have encountered.
Target Audience: Managers and Administrators
Facilitator: Allan Sheahen
- Dates:
May 23rd, 2024
- Time:
- 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
- Event Category:
- Training Program
- Virtual
- A cancellation notice is required five business days in advance for a refund. To request a cancellation, please send your request to registration@mdworks.com. This payment is not deductible as a charitable contribution but may be deducted as a business expense. Please provide notice of accommodations needed two weeks in advance.
- Courses have individual attendance requirements to receive a certificate. Please inquire with the trainer before missing any classes.
- Unregistered Attendees: Training fees are per seat. Only those who have registered for a training are allowed to attend. If MD Works identifies unregistered attendees in a training course, MD Works will invoice for each unregistered attendee.