3/8 - 4/20 - ACRE Employment Services Certificate & Customized Employment Training

ACRE Employment Services Certificate with an Emphasis on Customized Employment

Association of Community Rehabilitation Educators


Facilitated by Penn-Mar Human Services

**Registration is closed. **

DDA strongly recommends that all DDA Provider DSPs complete the

ACRE training before taking the APSE CESP exam.  DSPs and other employment service providers that

successfully complete the ACRE training will be reimbursed

100 percent of the registration fee by DDA.


March & April 2022


Tuesday, 3/8 - Wednesday, 3/9 - Thursday, 3/10 - Wednesday 3/16 - Friday, 3/18

Tuesday, 4/5 - Wednesday, 4/6 - Thursday, 4/7 - Tuesday, 4/19, Wednesday, 4/20


All sessions are 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.


Registration Fee:

$500 Per Registrant

**Registration is closed**

All registrants will receive the TEAMS Meeting Webinar link and access to handouts one week prior to the first ACRE training session


Penn-Mar’s Employment Services Certificate Training (with an Emphasis on Customized Employment) is endorsed by the Association for Community Rehabilitation Educators (ACRE).  This training provides a strong foundation of the key components and best practices for providing Discovery, Customized Job Development and Workplace Supports.  The training content incorporates lecture, case studies and a variety of activities and assignments to provide participants an opportunity to apply and put into practice what is learned in class.  Penn-Mar’s ACRE training shares lessons learned, processes, and experiences with participants.  Each training session is four hours and conducted via TEAMS over a two-month period.  After the final session on 4/20, participants will have an additional two weeks to complete and submit any remaining field assignments.  Throughout the course, instructors will be available to participants through scheduled office hours.


To receive a certificate an “ACRE Certificate of Achievement”, participants must attend all 10 virtual classroom sessions (40 hours of training) and successfully complete all activities and field-based assignments.



Session 1-2 (3/8, 3/9)

Application of Core Values and Principles of Practice

This 2-day session focuses on the history, core values, and principles of Supported Employment.  This includes the rights and responsibilities of people receiving services, ethical guidelines, and philosophy of community employment, as well as disability legislation, funding, regulations, and policies impacting people with disabilities.



Session 3-5 (3/10, 3/16, 3/18)

Assessment & Career Planning

This 3-day session focuses on individualized assessment and employment/career planning.  Discovery is introduced as the foundation of career planning and participants will learn how to design and implement a discovery process for employment seekers.  This includes learning how to gather information about the employment seeker (skills, interests, community connections, conditions for success) while encouraging the employment seeker’s active participation and decision making throughout the career planning process.  Participants will have an opportunity to complete each step of the discovery process with an employment seeker, learn how to facilitate a customized employment planning meeting, and develop a vocational profile.  Trainees will learn the basics of self- employment/entrepreneurship, the impact of wages on disability benefits, availability of work incentives, and how to make referrals to other agencies for assistance.     



Session 6-8: (4/5, 4/6, 4/7)

Community Research & Job Development


This 3-day session provides an overview of customized employment and uses the information obtained about the employment seeker during discovery process to create a Job Development plan.  Participants will learn how to develop relationships with businesses, assist employment seekers with the job search process, develop employment proposals, understand LEAN process improvement, and negotiate a win-win job match based on the employment seeker’s ideal conditions of employment and the needs of a business.  Participants will have an opportunity to complete each step of the job development process with an employment seeker.    



Session 9-10: (4/19, 4/20)

Workplace & Related Supports


This 2-day session focuses on developing workplace supports with an overview of systematic instruction.  Participants will learn how to do an effective job analysis, implement job training, fading plans, and strategies for developing comprehensive workplace supports.   Participants will learn creative strategies to ensure the employee enters the job in the most inclusive manner possible and help them to maximize their job performance and meet the expectations of the workplace.



Facilitator: Kevin Walker has over 25 years’ experience with Penn-Mar Human Services, and served in various direct support, managerial, and leadership roles before becoming the Director of Business Development.  Kevin spearheaded Penn-Mar’s Employment 1st initiative in 2009, and for the past 6 years has provided training and technical assistance to like-minded provider organizations.  Kevin is a certified Work Incentive Practitioner and a 2020 graduate of Leadership Baltimore County.  He is recognized as a subject matter expert on employment and serves on the Maryland Employment 1st leadership team.


Facilitator: Tricia Zeltwanger has been employed with Penn-Mar Human Services since 1991.  Tricia held the position of Contract Manager until in 2012 when she took the position as a Job Developer.  Tricia’s vital role is to connect with our community through networking and developing employer partnerships.  Tricia is a 2014 graduate of Leadership York.  She created the York Business Networking Group and has served as the President since 2015.  Tricia is an Ambassador for the York County Economic Alliance and serves on the Board for Southern York County Business Association.  Tricia trains Penn-Mar new hires on Customized Employment and is passionate about the needs and goals for each employment seeker.  Tricia has demonstrated a high level of success of placing many employment seekers in community employment.


March 8th, 2022
March 9th, 2022
March 10th, 2022
March 16th, 2022
March 18th, 2022
April 5th, 2022
April 6th, 2022
April 7th, 2022
April 19th, 2022
April 20th, 2022
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Event Category:
Training Program


A cancellation notice is required five business days in advance for a refund. To request a cancellation, please send your request to registration@mdworks.com. This payment is not deductible as a charitable contribution but may be deducted as a business expense. Please provide notice of accommodations needed two weeks in advance.
Courses have individual attendance requirements to receive a certificate. Please inquire with the trainer before missing any classes.
Unregistered Attendees: Training fees are per seat. Only those who have registered for a training are allowed to attend. If MD Works identifies unregistered attendees in a training course, MD Works will invoice for each unregistered attendee.