09-15 - Implementing the Customized Employment Process

Job Development & Job Coaching Webinar Series

Presented by

Marc Gold & Associates, Nationally Renowned Experts in Discovery & Customized Employment
 Implementing the Customized Employment Process

Tuesday, September 15, 2020
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.


This webinar will focus on an overview of the components of the “Customized Employment Process”; a set of strategies designed to result in successful employment for job seekers with significant disabilities.  The process components discussed will include Discovery, Profile Documents, the Customized Plan for Employment, Development of a Visual Resume and Job Development.  This webinar ties all components together in a succinct and understandable way and is ideal for managers, counselors, funders and family members. 

   (Registrants will receive information by e-mail regarding the link and for the Zoom Meeting Webinar)


Facilitator: Malinda Mast is a consultant to projects that assist people with support needs regarding employment.  She works with the Marc Gold Associates Mentor program, heading up Job Development training and technical assistance. She also provides assistance to programs working with veterans with TBI and other support needs. She is President of the Terrill Foundation, a foundation that provides scholarship assistance to high school seniors affected by neurologic disease and/or brain injury. She has served on national task forces and committees and is a frequent speaker, consultant and writer on strategies and technology for including people with disabilities in the community.  Ms. Mast has a BS and MS from Boston University.


September 15th, 2020
11:00 am - 12:00 pm


Zoom Meeting Webinar