03/16-04/06-05/11-05/18-06/22 Job Developer's Mentoring Program: Job Development & Employer Engagement Training Series
Job Developer's Mentoring Program
Job Development & Employer Engagement Training Series
Tuesday, March 16th, Tuesday, April 6th, Tuesday, May 11th, Tuesday May18th and June 22, 2021
The training series will be conducted as Zoom Meeting Webinar
Registrants must sign-up for the entire series
Members: $225 - Non-Members: $299.00
*Special Group Rates Are Available*
This mentoring program consist of off-site virtual instruction, consultation and facilitated discussion.
The field assignments will involve activities for a targeted job seeker, which incorporates Customized Employment (CE) concepts and strategies and is based on a discovery process that includes identifying themes, building a job-seeker profile and developing a CE placement plan that drives the employer engagement process. Also covered will be how to approach employers, assessing the labor needs of local employers, presenting the job seeker to their prospective employer as well as negotiating positions and follow up services.
Round-table facilitated discussions will be used to guide employer engagement activities, coordinate fieldwork, provide tools and resources, answer questions and give feedback on completed field assignments.
Introductory Webinar: Sent to all Mentees before the first scheduled virtual training.
Tuesday, March 16th – 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Content: How Discovery and Assessment Activities Drive the Job Development Process
Review: discovery process and ideas for identifying key career themes and job seeker features with targeted job seekers.
First Employer Engagement and Field Assignment
Tuesday, April 6th - 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Content: Job Development: approaching employers, conducting informational interviews and assessing employer’s labor needs.
Field Assignments: Based on interests and career themes and goals of targeted job seekers, conduct an informational interview at a business and assess the employer’s labor needs. Evaluate fit for job seeker and develop a tasks list and economic impact analysis for the employer.
First Consultation and Round-table Discussion based on Completed Field Assignments
Tuesday, May11th - 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Review the work of Employment Staff when they:
• researched targeted employers
• approached employers for informational interview
• conducted informational interview and labor needs assessments
• evaluated fit for job seekers based on task lists and economic impact analysis
Second Employer Engagement Webinar and Facilitated Discussion
Tuesday, May 18th - 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Content: Job Development - developing an employer proposal, negotiating a job placement and addressing employer concerns
Field Assignment: Based on an informational interview with a specific employer, develop an employer proposal that includes a task list, qualifications and job fit for a targeted job candidate, proposed employment services and cost savings analysis for the employer.
Second Consultation and Facilitated Discussion
Tuesday, June 22nd - 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Review the work of Employment Staff when they:
• Developed an employer proposal
• Presented an employer proposal that included qualifications and fit of job candidate, proposed task list, employment services and economic impact of placement and services
• Addressed employer issues and concerns
MENTOR: Dale Verstegen is a Senior Research Associate at TransCen, Inc., and is assigned to a range of research, training, and Technical Assistance projects related to transition and employment services in various parts of the country. He provides consultation and training in the areas of program development, performance management, marketing, job development, case management, and employer consultation. Dale is Board President of ACRE. He also develops curriculum and provides training to a range of University Centers and state agencies. Dale has over 30 years of experience providing consultation and project management on various organizational, economic, and business development projects. From 1999 to 2007, he was the Assistant Director at the University of Tennessee’s Center on Disability and Employment where he managed statewide organizational development projects throughout the southeast region. Mr. Verstegen is a Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) recognized subject matter expert.
- Dates:
March 16th, 2021
April 6th, 2021
May 11th, 2021
May 18th, 2021
June 22nd, 2021
- Time:
- 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
- Event Category:
- Training Program
- Virtual Training Series
- A cancellation notice is required five business days in advance for a refund. To request a cancellation, please send your request to registration@mdworks.com. This payment is not deductible as a charitable contribution but may be deducted as a business expense. Please provide notice of accommodations needed two weeks in advance.
- Courses have individual attendance requirements to receive a certificate. Please inquire with the trainer before missing any classes.
- Unregistered Attendees: Training fees are per seat. Only those who have registered for a training are allowed to attend. If MD Works identifies unregistered attendees in a training course, MD Works will invoice for each unregistered attendee.